Okowa Is Not Influencing My Decisions, Gov Oborewori

Post created on 9:22 am



Governor Sherrif Oborewori has rebutted the claims that his government is been controlled by his predecessor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa.

At the Thanksgiving service on Sunday at the Living Faith Church in Ibusa Asaba, the Governor said rumour mongers have been moving around peddling the wrong connotation about his administration.

Gov. Oborevwori also revealed that the former governor has been giving advice which has helped him a lot but his decisions are not influenced by Okowa.

Acknowledging his emergence as Governor to God Almighty, Oborewori recounted the struggles he encountered from the party’s primary to the election period.

Adding further, the Governor revealed there will be an inauguration of some road projects constructed in the state within a few days for the world to see their impact after just one year in office.


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