If working here at CrownFM grabs you then we would like to hear from you. Sounds like the career you’ve always wanted, then we need to talk; and we think you’ll like what we’re going to say.
In the few years since its inception, Crown FM has become the market leader in Delta State and has succeeded in setting the standards by which radio in the Big Heart is now measured.
As such, for any budding radio personality such as yourself, there couldn’t be a better place to cut your teeth in broadcasting.
If working for Crown FM appeals to you, then we’d certainly be very interested in talking to you and we’re sure that by the time you’ve heard what we have to tell you, any lingering doubts you might have had on your mind as to whether or not this is the place for you to kick start your career in broadcasting will be long gone.
Once you’re in the building, you’ll find yourself surrounded by people most of whom had never done radio before they came here and if it’s all new to you, then you’ll be among people who know exactly what you’re feeling and can help you every step of the way.
That’s not to mention the exceptionally high standards of training which our experienced broadcasters will put you through in our state of the art studios, before unleashing you onto Delta’s airwaves and indeed the rest of the world, via the internet.
If that’s not exciting enough, we do have other areas where you can be part of the Crown FM team, eg Social Networking, graphic design, editing including news and marketing, so whatever your talent, we’re sure we can find that exact niche that’s got your name written on it and we’ll put you straight to work in a warm, friendly environment that allows your talent to grow, one that makes you feel right at home and makes your coming to work every day exactly what it should be : FUN !!!