The Midmorning Show with Rejoice Debekeme.
Weekdays from 11AM to 3PM on Crown 89.9 FM.
Your daily dose of trending news, societal issues, entertainment, and interactive conversations! Rejoice brings a fresh and lively energy to your midday, making sure your workday is a little more fun and engaging.
Segments to look forward to:
Worship at Noon (12-1 PM): An hour of uplifting worship music to inspire and recharge your spirit.
Lunchtime Phone-in (1-2 PM, Monday to Tuesday): Dive into serious societal discussions, business, local snd national trends, and personal matters as listeners call in to share their thoughts and opinions.
Ladies Lounge (1-2 PM, Wednesdays): A special segment focused on women’s issues, discussions, and stories that resonate with today’s women.
Men’s Room (2-2:25 PM, Wednesdays):
A quick but deep dive into topics and issues men care about, giving men a platform to express and reflect.
Just for Laughs
(Thursdays, 1-2 PM): Get your weekly dose of laughter with funny stories and hilarious call-ins that brighten your day.
Hotspot (Fridays, 1-2 PM): Stay on top of the latest news, trends, and everything buzzing, with a listener-driven phone-in segment.
More Music While You Work (2-3 PM, Monday to Friday): Enjoy a seamless blend of good music to keep you in a positive groove as you wrap up the workday.
Banter Live (2:50-3 PM, Every Day): End the show with lighthearted and witty banter between Rejoice and the listeners, setting the perfect tone to close out the afternoon.
Rejoice’s warm, relatable presence and her ability to connect with the audience ensure you stay entertained, informed, and inspired every single day. Whether it’s societal matters, relationships, or just a good laugh, The Midmorning Show helps to build a better Delta State, one conversation, and person at a time.