Finidi Gives Reasons For Resigning As Coach

Post created on 10:38 am


Newly appointed 53-year-old George Finidi coach to the Nigerian Super Eagles team has resigned from his position and given reasons for his decision.

According to Finidi, his resignation was moved by the Nigerian Football Federation, NFF, to acquire a technical adviser for the team.

On Saturday, Finidi tendered his resignation after he did not hear from the NFF board following a meeting held on Wednesday.

A video posted by former media officer of the Eagles, Colin Udoh, on social media confirmed he had spoken to Finidi after his decision.

Confirming that during the meeting nothing was raised of a technical adviser to Finidi but when the coach landed Port Harcourt someone called to relate the issues to him. Days later he didn’t hear from the board and Finidi had to read in between the lines.

Finidi’s resignation is coming after the 2-1 loss of the Super Eagles to the Benin Republic in preparation for the 2026 World Cup.


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