Pregnant Woman Fake Own Kidnap To Avoid Abuse

Post created on 12:59 pm


Mrs Rahemat Lateef a heavily pregnant woman who was declared missing by the Ogun State Police Command after her husband, Ogunbunmi Lateef, reported has been found in Kwara State.

On Thursday Mr Lateef revealed to officials that his pregnant wife who was due for delivery went to the state general hospital, Ijaiye, Abeokuta for antenatal when he was contacted via a WhatsApp message from unknown gunmen that Rahemat had been kidnapped.

However speaking about the incident on X, spokesperson for the state police command, SP Omolola Odutola, disclosed that it was a fake kidnap raised by the pregnant woman who had a miscarriage, to escape abuse from her husband who was expecting a baby

Rahemat has been frustrated with constant miscarriages and for fear of her husband’s reactions cooked up the kidnap story and left for her father’s house in Kwara.

It was the process of tracking that Mrs Rahemat showed up in Abeokuta with her father. She is currently receiving medical attention and is safe.


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